The “Stitching Talents” project is a small vocational school that was constructed in the Egyam Orphanage in Ghana, through funding from the Davis Projects for Peace Scholarship.
It is a sustainable vocational school that is free and open to all young students and aspiring professionals who want to learn beneficial skills for the community and themselves. The school offers tailoring and seamstressing as two of the main classes as well as an entrepreneurship course and a post-graduate internship.
What we do
Stitching Talents (ST) enrolls and works with students to learn: tailoring, crocheting, knitting, cloth printing and dyeing, shoemaking and entrepreneurial skills from established tailors, business owners and traditional artisans.
We hope to equip students with hands-on and entrepreneurial skills, including business marketing and sustainability models they can utilize once they have graduated. In addition to learning about clothing making, our students learn about making value propositions, setting SMART goals, personal and business finance, and management techniques that can help them run successful small businesses.
These skills will help our students generate income to help support themselves, their families and community!